Category: Uncategorized

  • Jalan Medan-Berastagi di Kecamatan Sibolangit, yang sebelumnya ditutup selama beberapa hari karena tertimbun longsor, kini dibuka untuk umum. Petugas masih membersihkan sisa material longsor saat ini. Kami memutuskan untuk kembali beroperasi seperti biasa hari ini jam 9:00 pagi. Menurut Dirlantas Polda Sumut Kombes Muji Ediyanto, Senin (2/11/2024), lalu lintas dari Medan ke Tanah Karo sudah…

  • Sejak enam hari terakhir, sejumlah kecamatan di Kota Medan dan Kabupaten Deli Serdang, Sumatera Utara, mengalami krisis air. Longsor yang terjadi pada Rabu (27/11/2024) di Kecamatan Sibolangit, Sumatera Utara, disebabkan oleh kerusakan pipa Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) Tirtanadi. Menurut Ewin Putra, Plt Direktur Utama PDAM Tirtanadi, ada tujuh kecamatan yang terkena dampak longsor tersebut.…

  • Deli Serdang—Agus Fatoni, Penjabat Gubernur Sumatera Utara (Sumut), mengunjungi lokasi longsor di jalur lintas Medan-Berastagi di Sibolangit, Deli Serdang. Fatoni menyatakan bahwa jalur lintas Medan-Berastagi yang sebelumnya ditutup telah dibuka kembali pada Senin (2/12). Selasa, 26 November, terjadi longsor di Sibolangit. Bencana itu menewaskan 10 orang dan melukai 23 orang. Di lokasi longsor tikungan Tirtanadi…

  • Deli Serdang—Secara resmi, pencarian korban longsor yang terjadi di Kecamatan Sibolangit, Kabupaten Deli Serdang, dihentikan. Itu dilakukan setelah Tim SAR gabungan berhasil menemukan korban bernama Tengku Riski (31). Jenazah korban ditemukan di ladang sawit di Kecamatan Namorambe, sekitar 15 km dari lokasi longsor. Warga sekitar menemukannya. Fokus tim adalah melakukan pencarian di sekitar lokasi longsor…

  • On Saturday, Ireland, Britain, and France saw transport anarchy; one person died as a winter storm tore northwest Europe with high winds, heavy rain, snow and ice. Early in the day, a man died after a tree fell on a car on a main route close to Winchester, Hampshire Police in southern England reported. Police…

  • As part of a study experiment that aims to prevent cows from ingesting methane, a powerful greenhouse gas, a scientist inserts a long tube into the mouth of Thing 1, a calf that is two months old. Additionally, the scientist guides the tube down to the stomach of Thing 1. As a postdoctoral researcher at…

  • The discovery piqued the interest of scientists such as myself and my colleagues. After further research, we discovered that the scar was caused by a powerful tornado that no one knew had occurred. We detail the findings in a new study published today. Tornadoes provide a known concern in the United States and internationally. But…

  • “There’s big motivation on both sides to do it wrong,” he said. Injy Johnstone, a researcher specializing in carbon neutrality at Oxford University, told AFP the fact that nations can set their own standards in these country-to-country deals was a major concern. She said overall the risk of greenwashing makes Article 6 “the biggest threat…

  • HONG KONG – Super Typhoon Man-yi, packing winds of up to 240 kilometers per hour, is moving towards Hong Kong but meteorologists predict it will gradually weaken before making landfall. The Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) issued an advisory on Saturday (23/11), warning residents to prepare for potential impacts early next week. Currently located approximately 800…

  • HONG KONG – A powerful earthquake struck off the eastern coast of Taiwan on Saturday (23/11), with tremors being felt as far as Hong Kong, approximately 720 kilometers away. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) reported the quake measured 6.7 on the Richter scale. The earthquake’s epicenter was located 18 kilometers off Taiwan’s eastern coast,…